Sunday, May 12, 2013

WebGL Initial Impressions

You know how you put things off, and then when you finally make yourself do it you discover it's actually great fun, and you wonder why you ever waited? I had a week like that with WebGL and the FFT.

WebGL is another of the HTML5 technologies which is poised to make an enormous impact on how we use the internet, and how browser code can accesses our hardware. It is essentially a binding of the OpenGL ES 2.0 spec within Javascript.

Web pages that can do OpenGL. Think about that for a minute.

Then consider that WebGL isn't some wonderful future standard, it's already in most major browsers. (IE people have to wait until 11.) If you have Chrome or Mozilla and a 3D Card, you already have it. Really. Mobile devices also support it (that's really important.) depending on their hardware. (Most new phones have a 3D chip, if only for fast 2D compositing.)

So yes, MineCraft and Quake could be written in Javascript now, and run in the browser on Android. That's great. Lots of people are writing new games, as you would expect.

There's also a second reason why you want to access the GPU from Javascript - it's an enormous chunk of optimized processing power that we can use to do cool stuff. On many machines, it's actually more powerful than the core CPU.

Texture Shaders, in particular, are special programs that are downloaded to the GPU and run per-pixel, in parallel, on perhaps hundreds of 'texture units'. They can perform massive parallel computations that are fast on a lot of useful algorithms besides drawing animation, like Fourier transforms.

The first texture shader I wrote in WebGL computed mandelbrot sets. In a 1024x1024 canvas element, I was generating 1024 iteration mandelbrots at real-time framerates over 10fps. At say 8 math operations per iteration, that calculation consumed 80GFlops, easily. And I wasn't pushing it.

80GFLOPS. Eighty Billion Floating-point operations per second. The original Cray Supercomputers weren't that fast.

And another thing... I've written OpenGL code before, and WebGL is just better. First, there's no mucking around with video capabilities or window handles or bit planes. You put a canvas element on a HTML page. Then you ask for it's OpenGL context. The browser does all the rest. Compared to how it used to be done, getting a GL context is sheer ease.

Then it all gets confusing again when you can't find how to render simple triangles, until you realize the big normalization they did in the OpenGL 'ES' specs is to take away all the 'simplified' methods, and leave only the 'useful' methods, whenever there was a duplication of functionality. You can't draw single triangles anymore. Only triangle strips. (of which the simplest strip is a single triangle, so you can still get the same outcome, just with the 'more useful' method)

Odd enough, this is also a joy to use, once you get your head around it. It makes writing the equivalent of 'hello world' a little harder, but once you've coded minimal vertex and fragment shaders just to get a single quad on the screen, you're already most of the way towards your end goal. Since you're always using the 'hard shader language' and not 'easy shader language', you don't have to stop and re-code once your program exceeds the capabilities of the simple primitives.

All shaders - simple and complex - fit the same basic pattern and become more interchangeable, while shortening the full spec. In the normally expanding world of standards, (to the point they can't be implemented in a single human lifetime anymore) this is an amazing and refreshing achievement.

It does, however, come at the cost of a bigger initial learning curve. GPUs compute in a different way. (That's kind of the point) And it's not necessarily obvious why they function the way they do... GPU card are more a collection of "hacks that worked" than any coherent plan to create a platform. I know a lot about the history of how they evolved to this point, and I've done a lot of parallel programming on SIMD machines too, so most of the shader concepts are already familiar to me.

WebGL is getting a 'Dark Arts' reputation because of this, and not without good reason. We leave the comforting worlds of Paragraps and CSS for matrix math and rendering pipelines.

What I'm discovering is this; it's a Dark Art that's well worth learning. You can perform some very powerful juju.

Assuming your browser can take it, look at some of these:

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